Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Branson: The Most Asked Questions about Creation, Evolution, and Genesis

This was presented by Ken Ham of Answers in Genesis.

1) Is there evidence for an infinite God?
Jesus is an obvious evidence, God revealed himself to us on earth, though people still rejected him. DNA is another evidence, its design, its a blueprint for life and human beings.

2) Who made God?
If we follow this through with a super-God made God, then we must continue forever with a super-super-God who made the super-God, etc... Once there is evidence for God, we must agree that he is not made, but eternally existing.

3) Does the age of the earth matter?
He presented information on chronologies in the Bible tracing back only a few thousand years. If we deny the age of the earth, we deny the Bible. We put death before sin. Without the millions of years, evolution falls on it's face, everything becomes impossible.

4) Is there evidence the earth is young?
All the age measuring methods (100s of processes that show changes over time) indicate, through extrapolating rates back in time, that the earth is younger than what secular scientists claim. Another example is radiometric dating of some wood found burried in a layer of basalt; the basalt dated to 45 million years old, yet the wood inside it dated to 45 thousand years old.

5) Where did Cain get his wife?
Genesis 5:4 states that Adam and Eve had other sons and daughters, therefore Cain married a sister. God did forbid marriage of close relatives, but that was nearly 2500 years after Cain married. We can understand this need through the deterioration of the genome (perfect DNA in the beginning, accumulating mutations over time). The restriction was put in place to prevent birth defects and keep harmful mutations from becoming fixed in our genome.

6) How did Noah fit all the species of animals on the ark?
Part of this is the wrong question, the key word being "species". Our definition and categorization of species today is different, and more finely defined than what God said to Noah. He told Noah that he would send 2 of each kind, etc... to be on the ark. We see this kind earlier in Genesis during the Creation week stating that each would produce after their own kind. Therefore, there were likely much fewer kinds than species. Another factor is that God could have sent two younger (thus smaller) of each kind, not needing as much space in the ark.

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