Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Branson: Genesis and the Secularization of America

I just got home from the conference in Branson yesterday. I did not have Internet access there, so my posts on the conference have been delayed.

In these posts I may not capture the entire content of the talk, but will share a few items and thoughts based on my notes from the talks.

Genesis and the Secularization of America was presented by Ken Ham

Ken explained how America is being secularized. He shared some Barna Research survey results: 70% of those who grew up in a Christian home walk away in their college years. Only 9% of born again teenagers are certain of absolute truth, 57% say there is more than one way to heaven.

Ken shared his information on the interpretation of day in the Bible and how it relates to the meaning of day in Genesis 1. Day can have several meanings, it is used 2301 times, but we only question its meaning in Genesis. It is used 410 times with day + number, 38 times with evening and morning with out day, 23 times with evening and morning with day, and 52 times night with day. Many Christian leaders do not accept day as a 24-hour day, when they do that they are basically accepting that man's word is infallible, and God's Word is not.

He also shared some survey results done by AIG that will be published later this year. The suvey was targeted to 20-29 year olds from conservative churches. When do young people start to have doubts about their faith, and start questioning what they are taught? The two largest categories were 40% middle school and 43% high school. We need to be providing answers to these questions earlier to keep from loosing our children.

Quote to remember:
Remember in the study Bibles, the text is the commentary
on the notes.

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