Here is a map of the events.
KCWN and WHO Radio interviews
Sunday, April 6:
- Tracy CRC
- Covenant Reformed Church, Pella: 11:00 Sunday School presentation
- Third Church, 708 E 13th Pella, IA: 6:00-7:15 "Jesus, Genesis, Evolution, and the Gospel"
Monday, April 7:
- Oskaloosa Christian, Oskaloosa: 8:30: brief student address
- Pella Community Center, 712 Unition, Pella: 7:00-8:30 "What Darwin Didn't Know"
Tuesday, April 8:
- PEACE Homeschool, Liberty E-Free Church: 10:00-11:30
- Central College Intervarsity Fellowship: 4:30-6:00 "Q&A with Dr. C"
- Pella Community Center, 712 Unition, Pella: 7:00-8:30 "Genetics and Genesis"
Saturday, April 12:
- Pastors Breakfast (other ministry leaders welcome), Pella Excit-A-Bowl: 7:30, "Q&A with Dr. C"
Sunday, April 13:
- Grimes United Methodist Church, Grimes, IA: 8:00, 9:15, 10:30
All events sponosred by the Pella Creation Task Force. For more information contact, or 641-780-4839.
Please check back to this page for updates as the events get closer.